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Name: Ultimate Dad
Age: 48 (ARR) 50 (SHB)
Birthday: December 21st
Gender: Male
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Job: Warrior
Guardian Deity: Azeyma, the Warden
Birthplace: Somewhere in Abalathia's Spine
Starting City-state: Limsa Lominsa
Hobbies: Fishing, woodworking, collecting neat earrings
Likes: Story telling, funny animals :)
Dislikes: Disloyalty, selfishness, needless violence
A generally cheerful and energetic person, he tries his best to keep his friends and comrades in good spirits and hopeful. That being said, while he started off as a lot more gung-ho he’s become a bit more quiet as the story progresses. He still jokes around and is a goofy fatherly type but it seems the many events, good and bad, have started to take a toll on him; he’s old and tired. He tries his best to stay as strong as possible for the other younger scions though, being the Warrior of Light is a far cry from being a caretaker at the orphanage so his success definitely varies. While he might come across a bit loud and over the top at first impressions, he’s still a kind and gentle soul willing to help out however he can, no matter what.
Home Basic Backstory Notes and Tidbits Relationships
Basic Backstory
- Born in a small village of mercenaries and miners
- His mother was a miner/hunter and his father a mercenary
- Lost both his parents at around 10 (his mother first in a hunting accident and his father later in combat) and was sent to a newly formed nearby orphanage
- Was the oldest kid there and often helped out the caretakers
- Stayed at the orphanage even as an adult because he enjoyed looking after the kids and being like a father figure to them
- After the calamity it became more and more apparent that there wasn't enough work nearby to keep the orphanage afloat so he decided to become an adventurer so he could make money to send back
- WoL Dad still sends money and supplies back to the orphanage between killing gods and shit. As you do.
Home Basic Backstory Notes and Tidbits Relationships
Notes and Tidbits
Highlight invisible parts to reveal notes about spoiler events
- He got the name Ultimate Dad while working at the orphanage in his 20s partially as a joke. A lot of the younger kids would call him dad and one of the caretakers joked he was the ultimate dad and it stuck.
- His real name is Ashen Yew but he doesn't use it all that much anymore. Some people still know him as that (People from the orphanage/surrounding village for example) but most call him Ultimate Dad these days. He doesn't mind people knowing his old name but he introduces himself as the latter. Also to differentiate a bit (and also help serious moments not be ruined) in the WoL timeline he is mainly known as Ultimate but in the Adventurer timeline he's called Dad. (Note: Out of habit I personally call him Dad for everything so this only really applies for like comics and writing etc.)
- Dad is the type to implicitly trust and assume those around him have the best intentions. He is willing to give second chances, believes people are generally inherently good and holds loyalty in high regard.(ARR Patches Spoiler) The incident in Ul'dah hit him pretty hard, while he was suspicious due to prior events, he definitely didn't expect to be turned on by the Crystal Braves and it really shook him to have his trust betrayed by people he had fought with or given second chances to. While I don't think it will have fully changed his ideology, he's definitely a lot more cautious now and more protective of his current allies who didn't turn against him. Also, while he believes people are inherently good, he's not so naive to think there aren't people out there who are truly evil or awful; he is just want to give people the benefit of the doubt etc.
- He's a pretty even tempered person, he'd rather deescalate a situation then immediately jump in to fight but he will if he has too. He only rarely gets angry and if he does it's more of a I'm Not Angry Just Disappointed kind of mad. That being said if you really piss him off he can be quite scary but it takes A LOT to get to that point. He doesn't like being angry and while he enjoys being a warrior, he isn't big on violence but accepts that sometimes it's necessary. He does enjoy friendly sparing though also.
- He shows off to entertain kids but for the most part he doesn't much like the limelight. He's happy to take up the mantle of Warrior of Light but doesn't think he is really anything special. In his mind he's just a regular adventurer who, for whatever reason, had to step up to the plate and protect Eorzea whether he wanted to or not. Anyone could have been put in his place; it just happened to be him and he's happy to do what he can. He doesn't mind doing menial grunt work to help out townsfolk or his friends despite many of them apologising for giving him tasks they feel are below him. It doesn't matter if he just killed 3 gods if you need help looking for lost items or delivering a parcel he's happy to do it.
- Dad's not dumb but he's no scholar either. He's much more of a hands on kinda guy but he is surprisingly good with deductive reasoning and really likes logic puzzles (especially the little wooden ones). Usually he thinks it best to prepare before a battle but if emotions are running high he will sometimes jump in without thinking.
- Dad has a tendency to accidentally neglect his own well-being in favour of looking after others. He doesn't mean to do this so much as he gets so easily caught up worrying about others and their issues and forgets he has a limit. I don't mean this in the Self Sacrificing Hero sort of trope way either adrenaline is just one hell of a thing and boy does it suck when that adrenaline runs out. (Also sometimes I overestimate my tank hp and get killed because I pulled too much shit while I was on my own and forgot to pay attention to my health lol)
- The face paint he has was something he started wearing after becoming an adventurer. He has memories of the hunters and mercs of his village employing camouflage, including his mother and father, though he was too young to understand it. His parents would often paint his face like that because he wanted to join in and they thought it was cute. He doesn't know where his birth village is exactly but it was most likely destroyed in the calamity. He wears the face paint to remember his village but most of all his parents. He still doesn't know what camouflage is either.
- He’s not rude by any means but he’s not good at formalities or addressing people correctly. He tends to default to first name basis when meeting someone even if they’re of significantly higher standing, mainly because, before now, he never really talked to anyone of significantly higher standing. Despite this he’s doing his best to correct himself, though it’s often Alphinaud or one of the other Scions who has to remind him. For the most part I don’t think any of the higher up characters particularly care about his lack of formality at this point honestly.
Home Basic Backstory Notes and Tidbits Relationships
Relationships with/opinions on other characters
It’s safe to say that he cares about his allies by default, this is just extra info.
(This section is a constant work in progress also.)
Other OCs
Alice (Tiny Rat Minion)
Dad's curious little companion. She loves to eat and would be a lot pudgier if it weren't for all the running she does. Good at manipulating people into giving her treats by standing on her hind legs and being cute. (A tribute to my dear, real life mouse, Alice, who has since passed. She was an adventurous little sweetheart and she lives on in my heart.)Enaux
A scholarly but excitable and good natured Elezen who was very much not cut out for adventuring.
Dad met Enaux at the beginning of his time as an adventurer. He was wandering around a forest completely lost when Dad came across him. Enaux had left home to become an adventurer too because the rest of his family were soldiers and guards and he thought he had to do something similar even though he was more interested in studying. After hearing about Dad's plan of making money to send back to the orphanage and because he decides he owes him for "saving his life" (Leading him out of the forest and making him food) asks if there is anything he can do to help and Dad hires him as a retainer to help send the gil and supplies back. Enaux happily agrees as he is good with clerical work and he feels like he can make a difference this way.
To make a comparison using a niche 90s tv show: If Dad was Brisco, Enaux would be Socrates.Covra
A lazy but good-natured Rava Viera who's lives in the village near the orphanage with her mother. She's about 5 years older then Dad, making her 15 when he came to the orphanage and she decided to take it upon herself to be a big sister of sort to him. They played together a lot and are very close. Later on she became the secretary which she is pretty good at (when she's not slacking off).
Friend's WoLs and OCs
Scandalous Blue
A polite and reserved Raen Au Ra, Dad is very fond of Blue though he probably overwhelms the poor lizard with his general enthusiasm. Does not understand Blue's city slang and assumes he must be very smart for using these words he's never heard before.Silver Heart
A friendly and polite little Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te who Dad probably babies a little bit, though not in a condescending way. They seem to have a similar outlook and so get a long quite well. Dad pats him on the head every time he sees him.Night Wave
A hardworking and determined Hellsguard Roegadyn who trained at a dojo close by to the orphanage. She would often help out with chores as part of her training. Dad would bring her snacks while she was training so she didn't wear out and cheer her on in tournaments, he cares for her very much.Misty Heartbreak
A sweet and timid little Xaela Au Ra who Dad feels compelled to look after. Ultimate Dad, please come collect your lost lizard at Hawkers Alley, thank you.Iceberg Lettuce
A tiny and deceptively strong Veena Viera who seems to spend a lot of time in her own world. Tends to talk to the women of the group more then the men so Dad doesn't know a whole lot about her but cares for her the same as the others none the less.Tomyris Molkoh
An intense and wild Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te who Dad is not entirely sure how to handle in all honesty. He admires and respects her combat capabilities but maybe not so much how quick she is to use force. He also believes all the stories she tells because, well, she said them so confidently how could she be lying?Nohkai Kha

(Highlight to reveal spoilers)
Fond and protective of her. He has come to see her as a daughter. (ARR Patches and HW spoilers) He very much blames himself for leaving her behind in Ul’dah even though she asked him to. Seeing her again as the Word of the Mother felt even worse.Alphinaud
Similar to Minfilia, though because of how much they have travelled together, the bond is even stronger. Dad is incredibly proud of Alphinaud and will stick by him no matter what. He thinks him incredibly smart and capable but at the same time often worries about him when they’re apart, especially when Alphinaud is on missions by himself and despite his insistence that he is fine on his own. That being said he respects Alphinaud’s combat abilities and determination and will gladly fight side by side with him if he requests it. Sometimes even when he doesn’t. He just wants to be there for his sonion.Alisaie
Pretty much the same as Alphinaud, Dad is super proud of and will stick by her no matter what happens. He doesn’t worry so much about Alisaie going off on her own as she’s a bit more suited to combat then Alphinaud. However that doesn’t stop him from worrying horribly if he even thinks something slightly bad has happened to her while apart. He enjoys fighting with her and has taken to sparing to help her practice. He honestly believes she could give him a run for his money if they were ever against each other seriously. Dad very much dotes on both the twins and loves them very much. He can be a bit of an embarrassing adopted parent.Y'shtola
Because she was the first Scion he met, they have a sort of close camaraderie. He greatly admires her wisdom and wit and feels they make a good team. They get along very well outside of battle, as well and often spend the (very rare) downtime between quests chatting over tea and/or coffee. (HW spoiler) He often worries about her wellbeing after she came out of the lifestream and was blinded, though he knows that she wouldn’t accept help even if he insisted so for now he quietly keeps an eye on her.Thancred
He thinks very highly of him and his skills, but definitely finds his, uh, antics to be a bit tiring at times. Often teases him and jokes about it, sometimes with Y’shtola. It’s a hobby I guess? (HW spoiler) Similar to Y’shtola, he worries about how he’s fairing since emerging from the lifestream, but, also like Y’shtola, he knows he won’t stand for being worried about openly, so Dad just keeps an eye on him as well.Urianger
Assumes he must be very smart because he doesn’t have a damn clue what he is talking about at least 70% of the time, though he is slowly figuring out how to decipher him. Despite this, and Urianger’s sometimes unclear intent, he genuinely trusts him and is content to let him do his own thing even if he doesn’t understand. He is confident he has everyone's best interests at heart.Yda
Enjoys her high energy and optimism, he thinks very highly of her combat skills and her resolve. They get along very well.
(HW Patches spoiler) After she reveals herself to be actually Lyse, Dad is a bit taken aback but continues to support her as always.Papalymo
Values his knowledge and level head, I imagine he and Dad have had several conversations about happenings while they looked after Yda and the Twins respectively. (HW Patches spoiler) After Papalymo dies, Dad feels he owes it to him to keep an eye on Lyse in his steadTataru
Dad cares a lot for the Scion's ambitious secretary, he'll often help her out with various tasks or chat with her on his downtime. Thinks of her as a daughter.Cid
He enjoys hearing about Cid's inventions and ideas, though rarely fully comprehends them. After having spent so much time traveling around in ARR, Dad considers Cid to be a close friend. Is glad to catch up with him when he can.Haurchefant
Politely confused as to why Haurchefant is so enthusiastic about someone a full 20 years older then him but cares greatly about him regardless. It never quite clicks for Dad that he's being hit on. (HW Spoilers) Carries a ring with the Fortemp's crest on it to remember him byAymeric
Thinks very highly of him and the progress he's made in Ishgard. Once again does not realise he is being hit on, turns up to a date in full armor. Thank you, Dad.Ardbert
Despite their earlier conflict in the Heavensward patches, upon meeting again in the First, Dad finds a dear companion in Ardbert. He is perhaps the only other person who truly understand the weight of responsibility that comes with being a hero and the fear of failing on a grand scale. Ardbert is the only person Dad feels completely comfortable confessing fear or weakness too as well, it's not that he doesn't trust his fellow Scions to talk to them as much as he just finds it easier to talk to Ardbert; he feels at peace with him.
(SHB Spoilers) After merging to defeat Hades, Dad misses him deeply but takes solace in knowing that Ardbert can finally rest and that, while Dad still lives, he'll never be completely gone either. He talks out loud when alone in hopes that Ardbert can still hear him.Crystal Exarch
He's not entirely sure what to make of the Exarch upon first meeting him, but his gut tells him to trust the mysterious little man and so he does. More or less dealing with him the same as he does with Urianger when he is being cryptic. (SHB Spoilers) Its definitely a little more complicated after Crown of the Immaculate and G'raha all but confesses his love. Dad definitely cares for the little cat and has fond memories of him from their time in NOAH, but he had not realised that he had made quite the impact on him. Suffice to say, he can't really reciprocate which I imagine was a pretty awkward conversation when they were next able to talk. That being said I think they probably came to some sort of mutual understanding, though I don't think this little gay cat will ever get over his crush. The Ultimate Dad Fan Club gains another member.Emet-Selch
Dad does not like him nor does he trust his intentions as an "ally", though he still takes the opportunity to ask him questions while he's around; why not, right? Emet is one of the few characters to make Dad truly angry, I'm sure you can guess at which point in the story I am referring to. (SHB Spoilers) Despite this though, he does sympathise with his plight and respects what he is trying to do; he fully intends to keep the promise he made after defeating him.(SHB 5.3 Spoilers) He also leave the window open so the Shoebill can hang out in his apartment at the Pendants if it wants. He wishes it wouldn't stare at him, though.Ryne
She already has enough dads so this time he's Ultimate Uncle. Dad cares for Ryne a lot and thinks she's a very smart and talented individual despite what she may think of herself sometimes. He's always happy to have her tag along as company and as such they have gone out fishing together several times. (SHB Patches Spoilers) After Thancred and Urianger returned to the Source, he started bringing letters to and from so that the three could stay in touch.
Aki Is Not Immune To Wolshipping
(But they won't put it all on the main page)
Notes and things reguarding Ardbert and Dad. Major spoilers hidden as usual, though there are minor ones in here so be careful. Also, all of this is SFW; I don't like talking about NSFW things, sorry.
- Ardbert often calls Dad 'Ashen' as a sort of pet name but also because it gets a rise out of him which Ardbert thinks is both funny and endearing. Dad doesn't usually mind if people call him his old name but its different when Ardie does it. In turn, Dad will often refer to him as 'my dear' or just 'dear'. It doesn't get a rise out of Ardbert but it does make Dad sound extra old.
- It took Dad a long time to get used to Ardbert suddenly appearing and talking. For the first little while he jumped and dropped a lot of things in surprise. Eventually, though, he got used to sensing when he had appeared so it wasn't so startling. Ardbert thinks its funny to surprise him also.
- Much to his chagrin at the time, Dad fell in love almost instantly upon meeting him again like a cartoonish arrow through the heart. He realised quickly the angry and violent man he'd first met in Loth ast Gnath was long gone and before him stood someone not unlike himself. Someone who had experienced suffering and hardship trying to fight for and protect the ones he loved and what he believed in. It took Ardie a while longer to realise his feelings but, in fairness, interacting with someone after a hundred years of other people not even being able to see you will probably cause you to feel A Lot of emotions all at once for quite a while. Any resentment he felt for any of the Scions of the Source has long since dissipated but he hasn't forgotten what he and his party did so he expected some hostility upon seeing Dad again. What he didn't expect was a very poorly constructed façade of hostility from a man who was very clearly not good at hiding his emotions. It took him a bit to realise what that emotion was, exactly, but once that clicked the meeting made more sense.
- Both of them enjoy physical affection but get more flustered when on the receiving end. It's easier to dote on someone then be doted on.